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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Aug 17, 2016 1:12 PM
Jan 2014
xEzioAuditore said:
Judgment526 said:

You mean Julius? You'll find out soon enough. He has his own mission to fulfill.
BRB-kun said:

That's good, thanks for the information :)

He fought Subaru to prevent worse things from happening to him. Anastasia pretty much hinted that part.

Well, what he did was somehow right. I don't blame him, but atleast show off your strength against a strong oppenent.

And also, Sobaru did a mistake of not joining that orange hair girl (Priscilla or something like that) her knight seems a little bit too strong.

You are probably being confused between Al and Reinhart .
Aug 17, 2016 1:15 PM
Jan 2014
FroG1986 said:
Compared 2 the fighting animations at the start of the series....this fight was pretty disappointing....

I think you should drop the show if you give it a 1 after 20 episode .
Aug 17, 2016 1:20 PM
Jul 2018
Antanaru said:
This was one unbelievably boring battle if you've seen any in anime. It was completely by the book, glaring faults included. You can skip the episode without missing anything. Old man's flashbacks were more entertaining...

Actually, that's not true. We'd lose the knowledge of there having multiple whales. We'd lose the presentation of Crusch's sword ability. We'd lose the notion of the whale's strength. We'd lose the notion of many characters' strength. We'd lose the whale's behavioral pattern. We'd lose the important flashbacks. We'd lose the knowledge of the machines they used in the battle. The Rigers' capabilities. Satella's cameo - where she says she loves Subaru.

These were all things relevant to the story. Relevant to the viewer and to Subaru.

Aldaar said:
FroG1986 said:
Compared 2 the fighting animations at the start of the series....this fight was pretty disappointing....

I think you should drop the show if you give it a 1 after 20 episode .

Oh you've just exposed their irrationality! Heh.
removed-userAug 17, 2016 1:31 PM
Aug 17, 2016 2:31 PM
May 2016
Chdata said:
Nitralon said:

We don't know why Subaru didnt forget Rem.....Maybe all people forget them except the person who most they loved dont?

I thought the forgetting was part of his curse, people who die near him are forgotten.

It "could" still be possible at this point, but this anime tends to like to keep the simplest explanation or keep its small "tells", so most likely it was just the whale I guess. Kinda lame.

Well, the power of the whale is to erase people from existance, too me, that is not lame at all
Aug 17, 2016 5:07 PM

May 2015
I hope we at least get animation as good as the stuff in the first arc for the finale or something. Very few scenes impressed me, and people were praising this because there was no CGI?
Also that one sword slice when Butler Bro was falling from the sky felt pretty floaty(similar to Subaru's sword attack in episode 11/10). Not a big moment just bothered me a little
Butler bro was obviously going to die, he had way too many death flags to not die. Unless he magically survives through Spiral Power or something, they literally just pulled an Akame ga Kill and gave a character a big backstory to kill them off a second after.
A TL;DR for today's episode: group fights a giant monster, monster is too strong for them, monster has friends, akame ga kill, episode ends.
Aldaar said:
FroG1986 said:
Compared 2 the fighting animations at the start of the series....this fight was pretty disappointing....

I think you should drop the show if you give it a 1 after 20 episode .

I think that 1. you shouldn't tell anyone what to do with their watching habits and 2. why would I watch 20 episodes of something I hate and then just stop when there is only 5 episodes left? Just a waste of time, may aswell finish it at that point.

-Rainy-Aug 17, 2016 5:13 PM
every single one of my forum posts is dumb and invalid except for 1, I don't claim them it was a different person it was all fake
Aug 17, 2016 5:53 PM
Jul 2016
-Stray said:
I dont say this often but now would probably be a good time to kill yourself Subaru, and think of a better plan, now you know there is more than just 1 fcking whale.

You dont know where the Restart Point...he could be on the Market...and do that stuff again ? haha no
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 17, 2016 11:40 PM

Jul 2014
Tony_SansNom said:
indraluc said:

no,,,, the lips more like A - I - A - O, try to watch it again. the last word more like A then O, rather than E - U,

im kinda experience the same thing before on FFX game jp vs eng version.
on jp version yuna say " arigatou", which eng version say" i love you" coz the move of lips is kinda same.

And why would she say that?

ahahha maybe just like any other anime logic, when the antagonist is actually the main heroine lol
Aug 18, 2016 1:42 AM
Feb 2009
pekuses said:
-Stray said:
I dont say this often but now would probably be a good time to kill yourself Subaru, and think of a better plan, now you know there is more than just 1 fcking whale.

But how to prove it?

I wouldn't want him to reset everything Rem has said even though there more likely to get obliterated at this point...
Aug 18, 2016 3:16 AM

May 2015
Killer96bee said:
-Stray said:
I dont say this often but now would probably be a good time to kill yourself Subaru, and think of a better plan, now you know there is more than just 1 fcking whale.

You dont know where the Restart Point...he could be on the Market...and do that stuff again ? haha no

Correction: Subaru doesn't know. If the restart points start randomly following their own logic, then Subaru can't do anything about it, but the story isn't going to do that.
every single one of my forum posts is dumb and invalid except for 1, I don't claim them it was a different person it was all fake
Aug 18, 2016 4:49 AM
Jul 2018
RainyRai said:
Killer96bee said:

You dont know where the Restart Point...he could be on the Market...and do that stuff again ? haha no

Correction: Subaru doesn't know. If the restart points start randomly following their own logic, then Subaru can't do anything about it, but the story isn't going to do that.

Subaru won't risk.
Aug 18, 2016 6:27 AM

Apr 2016
Ugh. That eye scene though.
Man! They can't even beat 1 whale and now they have 3 whales and worst is that there's a fog.
Complete disadvantage.
(Didn't read the LN)... Did Wilhelm die at that last scene?
Aug 18, 2016 6:56 AM

May 2012
Very good episodes, probably the best one so far

I wonder how they will beat multiple whales
Aug 18, 2016 8:25 AM

Mar 2014
L-Ryoshi said:
Jagd84 said:

No the show never said that about Whale's ability that your assumption, and the Witch will kill anyone who succesfullu hears his about ability not halfway. Becauae Subaru usually stopped before unless he struggles against as I said eariler.

The fact they can do that shows that Fog of Elimation is not omipotent.

Okay, now I'm even more confused.

What was the purpose of Subaru trying to show Ram that room that belonged to Rem? I mean, wasn't that scene to show to Subaru how thoroughly the erasure of Rem's existence was by showing that even all of her stuff in the Roswell mansion had also disappeared?
He walked into that room and had a look of absolute shock. If he had found something that belonged to Rem in that room, then shouldn't he have been waving it in front of Ram's face to try to get her to remember her sister? It seemed to me in that scene, he was shocked because none of Rem's memento's existed at all.

If that were the case, then shouldn't absolutely everything about the existence of the soldiers erased be completely wiped from everyone's memory? The remaining soldiers wouldn't even know that the person who was erased even existed, no?

Wouldn't their memories just register those squads having began with less people? Not to mention if each squad had one or two persons erased, then they would just remember assigning 13 or 14 people in each squad instead of 15 (taking the numbers above as an example of course), no?

thats what im trying to say. i am confused as well because rem got erased thoroughly but the soldiers managed to somehow left some track. i hope they later explain why was rem's case different to the soldiers
why am i so well drawn into time travel stories?
do i really have that many regrets?
Aug 18, 2016 8:35 AM

Mar 2014
Jagd84 said:
envy__ said:

actually nope. the whale can erase your existence to the very root. remember when rem got eliminated by it, subaru tried to show ram the set of beds they were supposedly sleeping on in the same room together but even rem's bed vanished. meaning it could even erase the memories of the squad that they had 15 members and replace it with 14.
another is when subaru called the whale through revealing return by death. for fucks sake. didnt the witch demonstrate to him what will happen if he disobeys? as if emilia's death had no impact at all. it couldve killed cruch or rem or everyone at that moment but he did anyway
i dont know. i defend re zero most of the time but these are very contradicting

No the show never said that about Whale's ability that your assumption, and the Witch will kill anyone who succesfullu hears his about ability not halfway. Becauae Subaru usually stopped before unless he struggles against as I said eariler.

The fact they can do that shows that Fog of Elimation is not omipotent.

Darkconfidant7 said:

I would far rather be critical of a show than blindly miss all of its faults otherwise you would have to give every show a 10 and settle for mediocrity.

You give criticsm when it is warranted not when you feel like it. If anything it just shows you're looking for flaws wherever you can regardless of context or reasoning like any troll does.

actually everything is an assumption at this point. but still, subaru knows what MIGHT happen as HE EXPERIENCED IT BEFORE. theres no knowing if the witch will kill someone or not but the risk is too huge. emilia's death should be a big reminder not to use that anymore but he did anyway without any second thought. that alarmed me as a viewer as if subaru forgot what happened to emilia as it didnt impact his use of the power
why am i so well drawn into time travel stories?
do i really have that many regrets?
Aug 18, 2016 8:50 AM

Jun 2008
envy__ said:
Jagd84 said:

No the show never said that about Whale's ability that your assumption, and the Witch will kill anyone who succesfullu hears his about ability not halfway. Becauae Subaru usually stopped before unless he struggles against as I said eariler.

The fact they can do that shows that Fog of Elimation is not omipotent.

You give criticsm when it is warranted not when you feel like it. If anything it just shows you're looking for flaws wherever you can regardless of context or reasoning like any troll does.

actually everything is an assumption at this point. but still, subaru knows what MIGHT happen as HE EXPERIENCED IT BEFORE. theres no knowing if the witch will kill someone or not but the risk is too huge. emilia's death should be a big reminder not to use that anymore but he did anyway without any second thought. that alarmed me as a viewer as if subaru forgot what happened to emilia as it didnt impact his use of the power

He actually hesitated to use the power a bit in the LN if I'm not mistaken, too bad its not explained in the anime
Aug 18, 2016 9:08 AM

May 2013
Stark700 said:
The battle is awesome, nice to see that whale monster in more details.

The flashbacks also reinforces Wilheim's desire to fight, what a boss. MVP of the episode imo when he went rage on that monster. White Fox did a good job at the choreography too imo.

I think the flashbacks are important for characterization. Oh and Subaru got more badass :o
Wilheim :(

I call this episode " In the Heart of the Tree"
Aug 18, 2016 9:18 AM

Jun 2014
Well, so much for me not hating this show completely. This episode sucked ass, unsurprisingly.
Aug 18, 2016 3:53 PM

Jul 2015
God dang, I have to get myself mentally prepared to watch this anime every week, it's so good, but I always have this bad feeling in my gut, like something is going to go horribly wrong, I can't relax or anything.

Anyway, as for the episode itself, never would have guessed that guy in the flashback was the old man, like, wow. The technology in the world is surprisingly awesome. And ummm... considering how big the whale is, I didn't think a sword would do THAT much too it, but in the end, it was about as effective as I had imagined it would be from the beginning. What I didn't expect were ALL THOSE WHALES THOUGH. Wonder how they are gonna deal with that.

Also, the intro. Like nearly everything in the intro has passed except for the last part with Emilia at the big tree and maybe something I missed, don't know, didn't look that hard.

Last thing, I can't see Subaru killing himself or getting killed now of all times, seems like he has gotten too far in this too lose it all now.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Aug 18, 2016 5:30 PM

Aug 2013
Guys, quick question:

Why did Subaru had them go after the whale again? He formed an alliance to save the guys in the mansion, but he didnt mention any of that in the deal. Where is this going?
Aug 18, 2016 6:03 PM

Aug 2015
DuoraDoll said:
God dang, I have to get myself mentally prepared to watch this anime every week, it's so good, but I always have this bad feeling in my gut, like something is going to go horribly wrong, I can't relax or anything.

Anyway, as for the episode itself, never would have guessed that guy in the flashback was the old man, like, wow. The technology in the world is surprisingly awesome. And ummm... considering how big the whale is, I didn't think a sword would do THAT much too it, but in the end, it was about as effective as I had imagined it would be from the beginning. What I didn't expect were ALL THOSE WHALES THOUGH. Wonder how they are gonna deal with that.

Also, the intro. Like nearly everything in the intro has passed except for the last part with Emilia at the big tree and maybe something I missed, don't know, didn't look that hard.

Last thing, I can't see Subaru killing himself or getting killed now of all times, seems like he has gotten too far in this too lose it all now.

That giant eye looking at Subaru
And that part with Emilia at the tree should be symbolic.
This technology should be some kind of metia o_O

puppetmazter said:
Guys, quick question:

Why did Subaru had them go after the whale again? He formed an alliance to save the guys in the mansion, but he didnt mention any of that in the deal. Where is this going?

He needs to take the short route in order to reach the manor in time but there's the whale at the short route. Giving info about the whale should be enough to win Crusch over to the alliance because the stones didn't weight enough in the negociation to her.
"Vaut mieux se suffire à soi que finir assoiffé dans le monde des apparences."

Aug 18, 2016 6:36 PM

Dec 2013
Tony_SansNom said:

puppetmazter said:
Guys, quick question:

Why did Subaru had them go after the whale again? He formed an alliance to save the guys in the mansion, but he didnt mention any of that in the deal. Where is this going?

He needs to take the short route in order to reach the manor in time but there's the whale at the short route. Giving info about the whale should be enough to win Crusch over to the alliance because the stones didn't weight enough in the negociation to her.

This and probably the fact that Subaru actually needs Crusch and Anastasia's armies (or whats left of them after fighting the whale), in order to save Emilia?

Taking the short route is fine and all, but without any help, Subaru and Rem will end up dying to the Cult all over again.
Aug 18, 2016 6:42 PM

Aug 2013
Tony_SansNom said:

He needs to take the short route in order to reach the manor in time but there's the whale at the short route. Giving info about the whale should be enough to win Crusch over to the alliance because the stones didn't weight enough in the negociation to her.

So he wants to get there before the cult shows up. But he doesnt have the means to evacuate the village. Last time he ran into the whale, he had alot of carriages with him. Whats his game plan?
Aug 18, 2016 6:55 PM

Jun 2008
puppetmazter said:
Tony_SansNom said:

He needs to take the short route in order to reach the manor in time but there's the whale at the short route. Giving info about the whale should be enough to win Crusch over to the alliance because the stones didn't weight enough in the negociation to her.

So he wants to get there before the cult shows up. But he doesnt have the means to evacuate the village. Last time he ran into the whale, he had alot of carriages with him. Whats his game plan?

He might try to reach the merchants from before again to borrow their carriages, but Subaru don't know where they are at the moment.
Aug 18, 2016 8:18 PM

Mar 2010
envy__ said:
Jagd84 said:

No the show never said that about Whale's ability that your assumption, and the Witch will kill anyone who succesfullu hears his about ability not halfway. Becauae Subaru usually stopped before unless he struggles against as I said eariler.

The fact they can do that shows that Fog of Elimation is not omipotent.

You give criticsm when it is warranted not when you feel like it. If anything it just shows you're looking for flaws wherever you can regardless of context or reasoning like any troll does.

actually everything is an assumption at this point. but still, subaru knows what MIGHT happen as HE EXPERIENCED IT BEFORE. theres no knowing if the witch will kill someone or not but the risk is too huge. emilia's death should be a big reminder not to use that anymore but he did anyway without any second thought. that alarmed me as a viewer as if subaru forgot what happened to emilia as it didnt impact his use of the power

But he knows that Satella will only do anything to anyone who successfully hears about his ability, because that what made her take action, which is why he told anyone who was around to plug their ears (C.R mistranslated this line). That was also what he learned based on his experiences.

puppetmazter said:
Tony_SansNom said:

He needs to take the short route in order to reach the manor in time but there's the whale at the short route. Giving info about the whale should be enough to win Crusch over to the alliance because the stones didn't weight enough in the negociation to her.

So he wants to get there before the cult shows up. But he doesnt have the means to evacuate the village. Last time he ran into the whale, he had alot of carriages with him. Whats his game plan?

Heh, just wait till the next episodes which all I can say.
Iron_MawAug 18, 2016 8:31 PM
Aug 19, 2016 4:27 AM
Jul 2016
Guys, could you be so kind to vote for Re Zero,thank you.
Aug 19, 2016 7:09 AM

Mar 2016
The latest episodes were very good,but I'm feeling like they lost some "spicy" compared to the older ones...I don't know,maybe it's just me,but i hope that re:zero will explain everything and will end amazing anyway,because i'm loving this anime so much
mokadelcaffeSep 13, 2017 10:31 AM
Aug 19, 2016 10:03 AM

Jul 2012
Tony_SansNom said:
Chdata said:

I thought the forgetting was part of his curse, people who die near him are forgotten.

It "could" still be possible at this point, but this anime tends to like to keep the simplest explanation or keep its small "tells", so most likely it was just the whale I guess. Kinda lame. The whale has a power, with its fog it can erase people from existance (granted they are killed in/by said fog). It's got nothing to do with a curse.

Like i pretty much just said...
~ Ch-ch-ch-data

Visit my Discord community: VGData.
For games, anime, & music.
Aug 19, 2016 11:08 AM

Aug 2015
Chdata said:
Like i pretty much just said...

Hm, this is what you said :

Chdata said:
I thought the forgetting was part of his curse, people who die near him are forgotten
"Vaut mieux se suffire à soi que finir assoiffé dans le monde des apparences."

Aug 19, 2016 12:46 PM
Jul 2016
i dont think they'll kill off wilhelm, hes to much of a developed character to kill off, especially after they bothered to do all those flashbacks. sick ep tho, ep 19+20 bth have been awesome
Aug 19, 2016 4:26 PM

Sep 2012
I feel like Wilhelm's death was stupid. He literally got swallowed hole. He could've stabbed his sword into the tongue or inside the mouth somewhere and somehow manage a way out while the whale screams. It's not like he was impaled in half like the captain was. RIP him btw.

Friends are there to lend a hand when you can’t do something on your own. It’s not one person doing all the work protecting everyone, we help each other when in need. That’s what friends are for.
Aug 19, 2016 7:17 PM

Mar 2014
shiraha said:
envy__ said:

actually everything is an assumption at this point. but still, subaru knows what MIGHT happen as HE EXPERIENCED IT BEFORE. theres no knowing if the witch will kill someone or not but the risk is too huge. emilia's death should be a big reminder not to use that anymore but he did anyway without any second thought. that alarmed me as a viewer as if subaru forgot what happened to emilia as it didnt impact his use of the power

He actually hesitated to use the power a bit in the LN if I'm not mistaken, too bad its not explained in the anime

is that so? man, i wonder why they skipped something as important as that. well, thanks for the info.
and btw, where can you find the LN? thanks again
why am i so well drawn into time travel stories?
do i really have that many regrets?
Aug 19, 2016 7:29 PM

Mar 2014
[quote=Jagd84 message=47409872]
envy__ said:
Jagd84 said:

No the show never said that about Whale's ability that your assumption, and the Witch will kill anyone who succesfullu hears his about ability not halfway. Becauae Subaru usually stopped before unless he struggles against as I said eariler.

The fact they can do that shows that Fog of Elimation is not omipotent.

You give criticsm when it is warranted not when you feel like it. If anything it just shows you're looking for flaws wherever you can regardless of context or reasoning like any troll does.

actually everything is an assumption at this point. but still, subaru knows what MIGHT happen as HE EXPERIENCED IT BEFORE. theres no knowing if the witch will kill someone or not but the risk is too huge. emilia's death should be a big reminder not to use that anymore but he did anyway without any second thought. that alarmed me as a viewer as if subaru forgot what happened to emilia as it didnt impact his use of the power

But he knows that Satella will only do anything to anyone who successfully hears about his ability, because that what made her take action, which is why he told anyone who was around to plug their ears (C.R mistranslated this line). That was also what he learned based on his experiences.

actually no. subaru never managed to reveal his return to death to anyone, including emilia. if you watch that scene again, he didnt even finish his sentence. he only managed to say "i can use return by death to..." then everything froze followed by emilia's death.
and btw, someone told me that subaru actually hesitated in the LN. i wonder why they skipped something as important as that in the anime though
why am i so well drawn into time travel stories?
do i really have that many regrets?
Aug 19, 2016 7:33 PM
Jul 2018

In 20 he's been shown tearful. Should be enough.
Aug 20, 2016 2:01 AM

Aug 2015
Rehls said:

In 20 he's been shown tearful. Should be enough.

Well, that's not really the reason why though...
"Vaut mieux se suffire à soi que finir assoiffé dans le monde des apparences."

Aug 20, 2016 2:22 AM
Jul 2018
Tony_SansNom said:
Rehls said:

In 20 he's been shown tearful. Should be enough.

Well, that's not really the reason why though...

Because he feared punishment, right?
Aug 20, 2016 2:39 AM

Aug 2015
Rehls said:
Tony_SansNom said:

Well, that's not really the reason why though...

Because he feared punishment, right?

That's the way you understood it? Interesting.
"Vaut mieux se suffire à soi que finir assoiffé dans le monde des apparences."

Aug 20, 2016 2:43 AM
Jul 2018
Tony_SansNom said:
Rehls said:

Because he feared punishment, right?

That's the way you understood it? Interesting.

Ah the crying came after she told something to him. Hadn't paid much attention to this scene.

So @Envy__, there was some hesitation - it was just too brief. Otherwise as shown below, he'd not have the need to calm himself and create resolve.

But yeah perhaps his hesitation should've been shown more - along with a more determined expression afterwards.
removed-userAug 20, 2016 5:25 AM
Aug 20, 2016 4:26 AM

Aug 2015
@Rehls Also, Subaru doesn't tell people to listen to him, he tells them to cover their ears.
He perfectly understands the implication of what he is saying and doing.
"Vaut mieux se suffire à soi que finir assoiffé dans le monde des apparences."

Aug 20, 2016 2:08 PM

Mar 2014
Revert67 said:
Rehls said:

Because he feared punishment, right?

Someone translated the scene from the WN:

It is not easy to convey this in an anime.

see? that moment changes a lot of things. i really couldnt understand why they skipped something like that. and it may be difficult to convey this in anime but man, we're talking about white fox here. theyve done a lot of outstanding adaptations before
why am i so well drawn into time travel stories?
do i really have that many regrets?
Aug 20, 2016 2:50 PM
Jul 2018
envy__ said:
Revert67 said:

Someone translated the scene from the WN:

It is not easy to convey this in an anime.

see? that moment changes a lot of things. i really couldnt understand why they skipped something like that. and it may be difficult to convey this in anime but man, we're talking about white fox here. theyve done a lot of outstanding adaptations before

They didn't skip that he had heard. Those that paid more attention would've noticed that he cried during her speech. Proving he heard what she told him, and it affected him. And if it were something bad, he could've been shown to be worried afterwards, but wasn't. So then we can deduce that it was something good. It was also possible to do some lip reading.

"Rehls said:
SigOpram said:
Can someone who is good at reading lips tell what the witch said to Subaru?

Someone had said that it was 'ai shiteru'. You can see that she widens her mouth in the beginning, then ends narrowing it. We widen when we use 'a', right? And narrow when we use 'u'. Must be what she said."

There was also the heart caressing of before that could've been easily interpreted as a gesture of love.

NNick said:
So I just marathoned episode 1-20 in 3 days and I have a question - so, who does Subaru like, the Rem girl, or Emilia.

He loves Emilia and likes Rem.
removed-userAug 20, 2016 3:06 PM
Aug 20, 2016 3:10 PM
Jul 2018
NNick said:
Somehow, I get Angel Beats vibe from this show. It will probably end with Subaru and Emilia confessing each other their feeling and the next moment Subaru will be transferred back to real life. The end.

Don't worry. The story is 150 anime episodes long. It won't end this season, heh. ... And it won't be that simple, lol. This season covers up to arc 3. I heard that in arc 4 Emilia becomes
Arc 4 is long enough to be adapted into 25 episodes, I heard. The story is supposed to have about 11 arcs or so.
Aug 20, 2016 3:21 PM
Jul 2018
NNick said:
So, it's based on a novel? Didn't know that. Has it been translated, and if yes - is it worth reading?

In any case, why was Subaru transferred to this fantasy world anyway? So he could be a good self insert character?

There's a manga, too, that goes up to the beginning of arc 3, I heard.

He might be the author's: The author is called Nagatsuki Tappei. See? Natsuki Subaru... Eh.
Aug 20, 2016 3:46 PM

Dec 2013
NNick said:
So I basically wasted my time. Great.
Remind me next time to check the source material before spending so much time.

That can be said about most anime adaptations.
Aug 20, 2016 4:22 PM

Jan 2013
NNick said:
So, basically, nothing will get resolved by the end of 25.
Oh well, I wouldn't say I had any expectations to begin with.

well the main thing in this arc will be resolved

but after sloth there are 6 more sins so yea
Aug 20, 2016 7:12 PM

Aug 2015
Revert67 said:
NNick said:
So I basically wasted my time. Great.
Remind me next time to check the source material before spending so much time.

Well, if you didn't like it and therefore decided you wasted your time you indeed wasted your time.
I don't undestand what this has to do with the source material.

He probably thinks we'll never get a second season or more.
Some people think "just because there is more material doesn't mean it will necessarily be adapted".
"Vaut mieux se suffire à soi que finir assoiffé dans le monde des apparences."

Aug 20, 2016 8:36 PM

Feb 2015
I found this and couldn't be happier about how accurate it is. I just had to share it.

Aug 20, 2016 8:48 PM

Dec 2015
Loved it. Fun action, good use of flashbacks, and a pretty epic cliffhanger.
Aug 21, 2016 3:01 AM

May 2016
Good episode.

Will there be a Season 2? I can't see how the story will wrap up by 25.

Im expecting some fucked up cliffhanger like the end of code geass season 1 and having to wait months before season 2
┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴ ┬┴┬┴┤ʕ•ᴥ├┬┴┬┴
Aug 21, 2016 3:24 AM

Jul 2008
Awesome battle, people who researched the whale wouldn't be as surprised as what is going on now but they portray it nicely :)
Aug 21, 2016 6:00 AM

Jan 2011

Subaru: T-Th..T-Three.. more of these m-monsters..
[Subaru pulls out metia & sends out distress call to Alnus]
Itami Youji: Give me a break after a Fire Dragon & 2 hatch-lings now a Flying White Whale?!
[Subaru hands over Ferris to Itami..]
Itami Youji: Dansei no kōgeki!

Thus the JSDF Fought in Lugunica TOO!
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Poll: » Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Episode 18 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Jul 31, 2016

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Poll: » Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Episode 13 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Jun 26, 2016

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Poll: » Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Episode 3 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Apr 17, 2016

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Poll: » Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Apr 10, 2016

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Poll: » Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Episode 25 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

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It’s time to ditch the text file.
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